Tuesday 22 June 2010

The Launch - WTF is this?

I've been wanting to do something bloggy/vloggy/journalistic for a while, and what better time to start a blog than the 22nd of June 2010, 10 years late in the craze of blogging.

Regardless I thought here would be a better place to spout off about how I feel about certain things than forums and image boards, where a response to your argument is likely to be the same result as if you jabbed a very angry, horny, illiterate bull with a very sharp stick.

In terms of focus of the blog, I will update when I feel something I see or hear is worth talking about, instead of a day to day 'my life is fun, today i bought broccolis LOL' blog.

This is not in any means a blog of truths, its a blog of opinions.

If you read it and enjoy it, thank you. Even if you read it and hate it or disagree with it, thank you still for showing an interest, it would be nice to think that these blogs don't just end up as the ramblings of a schizophrenic crumbling student mind.

On to the real blogging.

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